This past week has not been one of my finest. To say I overate is an understatement; I completely went unhinged and just binged my way through food. Last night I managed to finish off a pint of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia. I lamented on myfitnesspal and one of my friends responded with some good encouragement and positive thinking. It was just what I needed! This morning I woke up early (well, it was actually the time that I should be waking up everyday for work but, that's another post in itself) and got out of bed (HUGE accomplishment) and used the elliptical for 15 minutes. It doesn't sound like much but it's a BIG WIN for me. I am NOT, repeat not, a morning person. The idea of waking up early to exercise makes me want to vomit. Nausea aside, I actually did it!
I also convinced my husband to make oatmeal smoothies for me to take to work in the morning. He made me 6 pineapple-coconut smoothies - they're not too bad, I had one on my way to work this morning. Honestly, I am amazed at how full they keep me. I drank the smoothie around 9am and didn't feel hungry until about 1:30p. I brought a white chicken enchilada to work for lunch - leftover from last night. They are amazing! I got the recipe from the Pioneer Woman. Her recipes are sooooo good. I'm not a big fan of chicken but even I liked them. More surprisingly my white bread husband liked them and said the recipe was a keeper.
I believe I'm on track for today...tomorrow is another hill to climb. And, there's an all beef hot dog calling my name (lunch tomorrow?) but...I...must...resist.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Power Outage
This past weekend, beginning on Friday, we were without power. There was a big storm in the area along with some small tornadoes that went through the county. My husband, a lover of storms, took this picture of, what he believes, is a sub-station or transformer being hit by lightening:
You can see the electric blue light in the was kind of freaky. Personally, I am a big scaredy-cat when it comes to storms. I have been terrified of them since I was little and I've never grown out of it. I blame it on the Wizard of Oz.
We spent the entire evening on our front porch (my husband was out there so I knew he would protect me from the big, bad storm) as well as the next two evenings. It was so f-ing hot and humid, I didn't realize how much I depend on electricity. We salvaged some of our food but still had to get rid of a decent amount. We also had to sleep on the living room couch because our upstairs bedroom was unbearable without air conditioning or fans. Finally, on day two of our adventure we borrowed a generator from my father-in-law. One hour after we hooked it up the electricity was back on. All of our neighbors, including us, we outside yelling to each other "It's back on, it's back on".
Despite the uncomfortable weekend we managed to go pick blueberries at a local blueberry farm. I got 2 gallons! They are soooo tasty. I wanted to can some but I think I'm going to just freeze the excess. I've been eating on them all week and I'm not sure it would be worth it to can the 1 gallon that is left.
I'm still working on my diet/fitness plan. I haven't lost any more weight but I am maintaining the loss of 4 pounds. I'm trying to get back on track to work off a few more. Spinach salad and blueberries for lunch today.
You can see the electric blue light in the was kind of freaky. Personally, I am a big scaredy-cat when it comes to storms. I have been terrified of them since I was little and I've never grown out of it. I blame it on the Wizard of Oz.
We spent the entire evening on our front porch (my husband was out there so I knew he would protect me from the big, bad storm) as well as the next two evenings. It was so f-ing hot and humid, I didn't realize how much I depend on electricity. We salvaged some of our food but still had to get rid of a decent amount. We also had to sleep on the living room couch because our upstairs bedroom was unbearable without air conditioning or fans. Finally, on day two of our adventure we borrowed a generator from my father-in-law. One hour after we hooked it up the electricity was back on. All of our neighbors, including us, we outside yelling to each other "It's back on, it's back on".
Despite the uncomfortable weekend we managed to go pick blueberries at a local blueberry farm. I got 2 gallons! They are soooo tasty. I wanted to can some but I think I'm going to just freeze the excess. I've been eating on them all week and I'm not sure it would be worth it to can the 1 gallon that is left.
I'm still working on my diet/fitness plan. I haven't lost any more weight but I am maintaining the loss of 4 pounds. I'm trying to get back on track to work off a few more. Spinach salad and blueberries for lunch today.
Monday, June 25, 2012
I Needed the Weekend
After the exhausting work week I really needed my weekend break. I had special plans for this weekend to go and visit one of my long-time friends in the eastern part of the state. It was a beautiful, sunny day and the drive through the mountains was gorgeous. I love living in West Virginia and cutting through Maryland on my drive was equally breathtaking.
I started with pretty leisurely morning and got on the road (with my bottle of wine in tow) around 2pm. The drive takes about 2 hours or so; my idea (of course not planned in advance) was to download a book onto my iPhone and listen to it in the car to pass the time. Unfortunately, as is my MO, this did not go according to the (belatedly developed) plan. My phone didn't have enough (insert technical gobblty gook) to download the book without being hooked up to the computer or connected to WiFi. I suppose I could have driven the 2 miles back to the house (I stopped at the gas station in town) to hook up to WiFi but I'm lazy and I was already 2 hours behind my self-imposed schedule. Instead I just fed burned CDs into my car and tried to "surprise" myself with tunes.
We at at my friend's in-law's home...and I had the BEST fried chicken, EVER! It was so good it could convert a vegetarian. I also had corn on the cob, watermelon, cantalope and a snickers ice cream bar - I had chosen Saturday to be my "cheat" day. After dinner we went back to the house, put the kids in the bath and to bed and sat on the front porch for hours, drinking wine and talking. It was such a nice trip and much needed. I left the next morning around 11am and headed back home. The trip home seemed short because I spent the majority of it gossiping with another friend (using hands free mobile) unitl I was about 30 minutes away. If I haven't mentioned it, I LOVE my hands free feature.
Back at the residence I discovered that James installed solar lights going down our front steps. This is exciting because our house is on a hill and there are a number of steps, all of which are pitch black in the evening. He replaced the handrail with something more visible and the addition of the lights makes for safer travel. Isabel left Sunday evening for a camping trip, so James and I are on our own for the week! I'm thinking of picking blueberries on Friday or Saturday. I better get some canning recipes ready!
I started with pretty leisurely morning and got on the road (with my bottle of wine in tow) around 2pm. The drive takes about 2 hours or so; my idea (of course not planned in advance) was to download a book onto my iPhone and listen to it in the car to pass the time. Unfortunately, as is my MO, this did not go according to the (belatedly developed) plan. My phone didn't have enough (insert technical gobblty gook) to download the book without being hooked up to the computer or connected to WiFi. I suppose I could have driven the 2 miles back to the house (I stopped at the gas station in town) to hook up to WiFi but I'm lazy and I was already 2 hours behind my self-imposed schedule. Instead I just fed burned CDs into my car and tried to "surprise" myself with tunes.
We at at my friend's in-law's home...and I had the BEST fried chicken, EVER! It was so good it could convert a vegetarian. I also had corn on the cob, watermelon, cantalope and a snickers ice cream bar - I had chosen Saturday to be my "cheat" day. After dinner we went back to the house, put the kids in the bath and to bed and sat on the front porch for hours, drinking wine and talking. It was such a nice trip and much needed. I left the next morning around 11am and headed back home. The trip home seemed short because I spent the majority of it gossiping with another friend (using hands free mobile) unitl I was about 30 minutes away. If I haven't mentioned it, I LOVE my hands free feature.
Back at the residence I discovered that James installed solar lights going down our front steps. This is exciting because our house is on a hill and there are a number of steps, all of which are pitch black in the evening. He replaced the handrail with something more visible and the addition of the lights makes for safer travel. Isabel left Sunday evening for a camping trip, so James and I are on our own for the week! I'm thinking of picking blueberries on Friday or Saturday. I better get some canning recipes ready!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Holy Guacamole (and chips)
Yesterday was a really stressful day at work. I had so much to do all at once and I felt like I was struggling to keep my head above water. I'm looking forward to the weekend and some relaxation!
I picked up my CSA box yesterday and now have a TON of garlic scapes with which to make pesto. I also got a quart of basil and am excited about that - I love basil. After picking up my CSA I met my dad for dinner. I arrived a few minutes early so I went ahead in and got a table. I told the waiter right off that I was waiting for someone who was joining me...they sat me in the back of the restaurant anyways. While I was waiting the waiter kept coming over and asking if I was ready to order yet. It was kinda rude because I already told him I didn't want to order until my "date" arrived. Long story short, I kept getting funny looks from the rude waiter and felt really uncomfortable, while my dad was already at the restaurant, just seated in a different area. So we both waited on each other for 15 minutes before we figured out we were both already there. Whatever. It was a nice dinner despite the annoying wait staff.
I just have to announce that I am REALLY proud of myself. I knew we were meeting for Mexican food and I purposefully thought out my meal AND STUCK WITH IT!! How many chips did I eat?? Nada! None! That basket of chips stayed on the table for 60 minutes without my grubby little fingers touching a single one. At one point I eyed them thinking "I could just eat one" at which point my strong self kicked in and degraded my weaker will power with a "One? Really? Liar". Also, I got vegetarian fajitas and only used 2 of the 3 fajita tortillas. I avoided the sour cream, cheese and beans - I used about 2 Tbsp. of guacamole. I did reward myself with a light beer, but hey, it's 110 calories and I had a craptastic day. I kept up the momentum and didn't eat anything after dinner, before bed. I had another bottle of water and that's it. I also packed my lunch for today - spincah salad with chicken, cottage cheese and planned out my snack. I have a meeting at Panera Bread (and I LOVE their bagels) so the plan is to get a whole grain bagel, toasted, and eat only 1/2 of it with some peanut butter. I'll save the other 1/2 for the next day - or give it to Isabel for breakfast.
I'm am feeling really good about my decisions. It feels different somehow...I just hope I keep this momentum up and don't lose interest. The last 2 days I have managed to come in under my calorie allotment - I allot 1600 calories and have only used about 1300-1400 of them. I'm thinking that I'll go for a walk tonight with a friend and catch up on some gossip.
I picked up my CSA box yesterday and now have a TON of garlic scapes with which to make pesto. I also got a quart of basil and am excited about that - I love basil. After picking up my CSA I met my dad for dinner. I arrived a few minutes early so I went ahead in and got a table. I told the waiter right off that I was waiting for someone who was joining me...they sat me in the back of the restaurant anyways. While I was waiting the waiter kept coming over and asking if I was ready to order yet. It was kinda rude because I already told him I didn't want to order until my "date" arrived. Long story short, I kept getting funny looks from the rude waiter and felt really uncomfortable, while my dad was already at the restaurant, just seated in a different area. So we both waited on each other for 15 minutes before we figured out we were both already there. Whatever. It was a nice dinner despite the annoying wait staff.
I just have to announce that I am REALLY proud of myself. I knew we were meeting for Mexican food and I purposefully thought out my meal AND STUCK WITH IT!! How many chips did I eat?? Nada! None! That basket of chips stayed on the table for 60 minutes without my grubby little fingers touching a single one. At one point I eyed them thinking "I could just eat one" at which point my strong self kicked in and degraded my weaker will power with a "One? Really? Liar". Also, I got vegetarian fajitas and only used 2 of the 3 fajita tortillas. I avoided the sour cream, cheese and beans - I used about 2 Tbsp. of guacamole. I did reward myself with a light beer, but hey, it's 110 calories and I had a craptastic day. I kept up the momentum and didn't eat anything after dinner, before bed. I had another bottle of water and that's it. I also packed my lunch for today - spincah salad with chicken, cottage cheese and planned out my snack. I have a meeting at Panera Bread (and I LOVE their bagels) so the plan is to get a whole grain bagel, toasted, and eat only 1/2 of it with some peanut butter. I'll save the other 1/2 for the next day - or give it to Isabel for breakfast.
I'm am feeling really good about my decisions. It feels different somehow...I just hope I keep this momentum up and don't lose interest. The last 2 days I have managed to come in under my calorie allotment - I allot 1600 calories and have only used about 1300-1400 of them. I'm thinking that I'll go for a walk tonight with a friend and catch up on some gossip.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Kettlebells, smoothies and a siamese
I had a completely relaxing and uneventful weekend. I finished a couple of books and started another. While reading the blog Runs for Cookies (which I love), I picked up on a new exercise, The Swing. I had never heard of it so I decided to do some research. Well, basically, it's a technique that uses a kettlebell. I've used a kettlebell in pilates and it royally kicked my ass, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. The book, The Swing, is written by a woman who lost over 100 lbs while in her 40s by changing her eating habits and using the kettlebell. She mentions incorporating walking into her daily routine but credits her success, and awesome muscle tone, to the kettlebell swing. I've been wanting to get a kettlebell anyway so I thought I'd give her technique a try. So on my Walmart run to get...stuff...I picked up a 10 pounder. I've haven't started the exercise yet but I'll get there.
She made good sense in the book. One of the statements she made that really struck me was "If you can lose 1 pound you can lose 100". Makes perfect sense. She also mentioned making a plan - scheduling workouts, planning meals, etc. Of course that is not the first time I've heard that but it stuck with me for some reason, this time. In an effort to "make a plan" I spent Sunday evening from 10p-11p making oatmeal smoothies for the rest of the week, packing my lunch for Monday and prepping dinner for Monday (turkey loin, beets, kale and rice). I found the recipe for the Oatmeal Smoothies on the Yummy Life blog. There are some great flavors on there and they're really easy to make. One word of caution: if you make them for the whole week mix them in 2 batches, not one. I tried to make 5 smoothies in one blender and there was leakage. I made the cherry vanilla smoothies for this week and I'm thinking about the coconut pineapple ones for next week. The apple cinnamon smoothies are good too. I've also done peanut butter, cocoa powder and banana that was pretty good.
The only noteable thing this weekend was that one of our kitties (we thought) was sick so we made an appointment this morning with the vet. No, not sick, just an irritated throat from throwing up the food she had because it wasn't the brand she usually gets. I swear. That cat is spoiled. $100 and an antibiotic to protect her precious little throat and she gets to eat canned cat food for a few days...and of course we threw away all of the other food and bought her the special stuff. It was the siamese cat, in case you wondered.
I have a ceremony to attend to this afternoon and I have to give the welcome, blah, blah, blah speech. I get so nervous it's a wonder anything comes out of my mouth. Wish me luck!
She made good sense in the book. One of the statements she made that really struck me was "If you can lose 1 pound you can lose 100". Makes perfect sense. She also mentioned making a plan - scheduling workouts, planning meals, etc. Of course that is not the first time I've heard that but it stuck with me for some reason, this time. In an effort to "make a plan" I spent Sunday evening from 10p-11p making oatmeal smoothies for the rest of the week, packing my lunch for Monday and prepping dinner for Monday (turkey loin, beets, kale and rice). I found the recipe for the Oatmeal Smoothies on the Yummy Life blog. There are some great flavors on there and they're really easy to make. One word of caution: if you make them for the whole week mix them in 2 batches, not one. I tried to make 5 smoothies in one blender and there was leakage. I made the cherry vanilla smoothies for this week and I'm thinking about the coconut pineapple ones for next week. The apple cinnamon smoothies are good too. I've also done peanut butter, cocoa powder and banana that was pretty good.
The only noteable thing this weekend was that one of our kitties (we thought) was sick so we made an appointment this morning with the vet. No, not sick, just an irritated throat from throwing up the food she had because it wasn't the brand she usually gets. I swear. That cat is spoiled. $100 and an antibiotic to protect her precious little throat and she gets to eat canned cat food for a few days...and of course we threw away all of the other food and bought her the special stuff. It was the siamese cat, in case you wondered.
I have a ceremony to attend to this afternoon and I have to give the welcome, blah, blah, blah speech. I get so nervous it's a wonder anything comes out of my mouth. Wish me luck!
oatmeal smoothies,
siamese cat,
weight loss
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Canning and Tanning
I was able to accomplish one of my goals for yesterday: planning dinner. It was actually very good, especially considering my lack of pre-planning. I got my second week of veggies from the CSA I belong to and it had garlic scapes, spinach, kale, radishes, green onions and turnips. I also had some broccoli that my husband cut from our garden. So, for the wee one and I, I made pasta with sauteed broccoli, green onion, garlic scapes, garlic cloves and cannellini beans with parmesan cheese sprinkled on top. I will definately be making that again! Due to my husband's aversion to anything green he just had pasta with marinara sauce.
After dinner I got everything set up for canning. My husband was a dear and got my big stock pot full of water and heating before I got home. It takes FOREVER to get that much water boiling! I sterilized the jars (we don't have a dishwasher so I have to do it old-fashioned) and the caps and heated up the strawberry jam to boiling. My husband always helps me with canning (because he's the best husband ever) and does the "dangerous" job of taking the sterile jars out of water and then putting the full jars back in to seal. I managed to get 8 jelly jars of jam.
Before I started canning I looked at my CSA produce and realized I had requested way more radishes than I could eat so I decided to try my hand at pickling them. So, I sliced them thin, made a batch of pickling brine and went ahead and canned the pickled radishes too. They need to sit and soak for about a week or two before I dig in but we'll see how they turn out. I'm thinking of making my dad a homemade basket for Father's Day and put jam, pickled radishes, some fresh lettuce and homemade bread in it. I don't like canning unless I can get at least a full batch done so I was glad that I planned the radish pickles beforehand so the 4 jars I was able to fill would get sealed.
Here is a picture of my canning adventure:
This morning I got my first spray tan. It was...interesting. You go into a little booth, take your clothes off (obviously) and a woman uses a spray gun to "paint" the bronzer on. I made sure to exfoliate the evening before and then moisturize the drier spots (i.e. elbows, feet, knees). I didn't get completely undressed - I kep my skull and crossbones undies on - I'd show you a picture but that's even TMI for me! The color is pretty dark and it looks splotchy in a few places but the lady said that it will even out after I take a shower and wash the external bronzer off. It is supposed to be tan under the bronzer so we'll see. I can't wash for 10 hours and my skin still feels a little sticky. I'm anxious to see how long the color lasts. Supposedly, it will last about 1 week; I'm hoping for a little more time than that.
I have a pretty full day today and am excited to plan my upcoming weekend!
After dinner I got everything set up for canning. My husband was a dear and got my big stock pot full of water and heating before I got home. It takes FOREVER to get that much water boiling! I sterilized the jars (we don't have a dishwasher so I have to do it old-fashioned) and the caps and heated up the strawberry jam to boiling. My husband always helps me with canning (because he's the best husband ever) and does the "dangerous" job of taking the sterile jars out of water and then putting the full jars back in to seal. I managed to get 8 jelly jars of jam.
Before I started canning I looked at my CSA produce and realized I had requested way more radishes than I could eat so I decided to try my hand at pickling them. So, I sliced them thin, made a batch of pickling brine and went ahead and canned the pickled radishes too. They need to sit and soak for about a week or two before I dig in but we'll see how they turn out. I'm thinking of making my dad a homemade basket for Father's Day and put jam, pickled radishes, some fresh lettuce and homemade bread in it. I don't like canning unless I can get at least a full batch done so I was glad that I planned the radish pickles beforehand so the 4 jars I was able to fill would get sealed.
Here is a picture of my canning adventure:
Strawberry jam on the left, pickled radishes on the right |
This morning I got my first spray tan. It was...interesting. You go into a little booth, take your clothes off (obviously) and a woman uses a spray gun to "paint" the bronzer on. I made sure to exfoliate the evening before and then moisturize the drier spots (i.e. elbows, feet, knees). I didn't get completely undressed - I kep my skull and crossbones undies on - I'd show you a picture but that's even TMI for me! The color is pretty dark and it looks splotchy in a few places but the lady said that it will even out after I take a shower and wash the external bronzer off. It is supposed to be tan under the bronzer so we'll see. I can't wash for 10 hours and my skin still feels a little sticky. I'm anxious to see how long the color lasts. Supposedly, it will last about 1 week; I'm hoping for a little more time than that.
I have a pretty full day today and am excited to plan my upcoming weekend!
garlic scapes,
spray tan,
strawberry jam,
weight loss
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Back to the Grind
After 4 days in our nation's capital I'm back to the real world of work, parenting, wifeing (I have an English degree so I can make up words if I want) and trying (key word here) to be healthy.
The conference was enlightening and energizing. In case you are wondering, the conference was for National CASA. CASA stands for Court Appointed Special Advocates - it's a volunteer driven organization that advocates for abused and neglected children who are in the court system. It is incredibly rewarding, emotional and frustrating. I love the volunteers who do this work - I was once one. There are CASA programs all over the nation and this conference brings them all together each year. All of the programs operate under the same mission but each is unique in operation, policy and organization. So many good ideas come from this yearly conference.
While I was there I went to the Holocaust Museum. I don't really know what to say. There is a reverence, a gravity that inhabits the building; everyone is so silent and grave. You can go through the entire 4-5 hour exhibit without realizing that you haven't spoken a word the entire time. The evidence of human depravity is overwhelming; how anyone was able to survive the torture, mental and physical, is a testament to their strength - in themselves and in their faith. Photographs were not allowed so I don't have anything to show. It is something that I think everyone should experience. PS- if you do go be aware that the tickets are free but you need to reserve them in advance. You can do this on their website ($1/ticket fee to reserve) or talk to your hotel. Our concierge scored tickets for us - free. If don't do either you have to wait outside the museum and hope they have tickets left to hand out. Go with the reservation...oh, and you need to reserve them about 2-3 weeks before you go - they "sell" out fast!
Other than the museum we really didn't have time/opportunity to do anything else besides the conference. Surprisingly, I didn't stuff myself or even eat too terribly. However, I did get my drink on! The first night I had a Hibiscus Honeysuckly martini. It was interesting. I got an aftertaste of Robitussin but after drinking the first one that went away (I think the buzz had something to do with that). The food there was just OK. I was disappointed. I had hoped the food would be really something.
Now, it's back to the grindstone, so to speak. I have a lot of work to get done since I've been gone a few days and my boss is on vacation for two weeks on top of that. I've got tons of filing to do, fundraiser to help plan, two ceremonies to get together, cases to assign...oh the list goes on!
Today's goal: 20-30 minutes of exercise and a home cooked meal!
The conference was enlightening and energizing. In case you are wondering, the conference was for National CASA. CASA stands for Court Appointed Special Advocates - it's a volunteer driven organization that advocates for abused and neglected children who are in the court system. It is incredibly rewarding, emotional and frustrating. I love the volunteers who do this work - I was once one. There are CASA programs all over the nation and this conference brings them all together each year. All of the programs operate under the same mission but each is unique in operation, policy and organization. So many good ideas come from this yearly conference.
While I was there I went to the Holocaust Museum. I don't really know what to say. There is a reverence, a gravity that inhabits the building; everyone is so silent and grave. You can go through the entire 4-5 hour exhibit without realizing that you haven't spoken a word the entire time. The evidence of human depravity is overwhelming; how anyone was able to survive the torture, mental and physical, is a testament to their strength - in themselves and in their faith. Photographs were not allowed so I don't have anything to show. It is something that I think everyone should experience. PS- if you do go be aware that the tickets are free but you need to reserve them in advance. You can do this on their website ($1/ticket fee to reserve) or talk to your hotel. Our concierge scored tickets for us - free. If don't do either you have to wait outside the museum and hope they have tickets left to hand out. Go with the reservation...oh, and you need to reserve them about 2-3 weeks before you go - they "sell" out fast!
Other than the museum we really didn't have time/opportunity to do anything else besides the conference. Surprisingly, I didn't stuff myself or even eat too terribly. However, I did get my drink on! The first night I had a Hibiscus Honeysuckly martini. It was interesting. I got an aftertaste of Robitussin but after drinking the first one that went away (I think the buzz had something to do with that). The food there was just OK. I was disappointed. I had hoped the food would be really something.
Now, it's back to the grindstone, so to speak. I have a lot of work to get done since I've been gone a few days and my boss is on vacation for two weeks on top of that. I've got tons of filing to do, fundraiser to help plan, two ceremonies to get together, cases to assign...oh the list goes on!
Today's goal: 20-30 minutes of exercise and a home cooked meal!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Score 1 for me!
Just a super quick post - I weighed myself this morning and I am down 2 lbs!!! I think that exercise and some portion control is paying off. I made a really big salad for lunch - spinach, micro greens, radishes and feta cheese with lemon/olive oil vinagerette and ate it with a piece of homemade bread. I am drinking an unsweetened tea right now (I've been "off" of soda for about 4 weeks now) and tonight is date night. I'm really excited because my husband planned the date and isn't telling me what we're doing. I'm sure it will involve some kind of dinner so I'm saving my calories for that. Off to DC tomorrow!
On a down note - I had an upsetting conversation with a volunteer today. I can't go into detail but it hurt my feelings and made me angry at the same time.
On a down note - I had an upsetting conversation with a volunteer today. I can't go into detail but it hurt my feelings and made me angry at the same time.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Summer is Here!!
Tiger Lillies at my house |
I know summer is not "officially" here but it might as well be. Today was Isabel's first day of summer vacation. She's going to a summer program while my husband and I work; I feel kind of bad for her because she's never had a "real" summer - sleeping in, hanging with friends all day, etc. She's always had to go to a program. I comfort myself knowing that she gets to go swimming and...heck, other kids are in the same boat.
My very first CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) box came yesterday! The vegetables are awesome and soooo fresh. I signed up with Round Right Farm and the first box had green onions, radishes, swiss chard, spinach and mixed greens (I also ordered some bakery fresh bread). I can't wait til July-August when the box will be full of corn, tomatoes, beans, peppers,etc. and etc.
The photo doesn't do it justice
Strawberry Upsidedown Cake |
I went on a 1.5 mile walk with a friend yesterday evening and it was nice and refreshing. My muscles felt really good afterwards. I've been trying to watch my portion sizes too, so hopefully I will see some change in the scale come Monday. I am leaving for Washington DC on Saturday for a conference and won't be back until Tuesday night, so I'm a little worried about my eating. It's really hard on the diet when you have to eat all of your meals at restaurants. I will try to be consious of my choices and drink lots of water. The hotel has a fitness center so I'll also make a point to get some exercise in while I am there. I always feel shitty after traveling for a few days - I think it's lack of exercise and poor food choices.
I'll share some pics of my trip upon return!
Monday, June 4, 2012
I think I slept the entire weekend. I tried the new meds the doctor gave me for sleeping (amitriptaline) and they knocked me out. It was nice to be able to sleep through the night, uninterrupted, but it was really hard to wake up and I didn't get up until noon all weekend. I'm not an early riser anyway, but I usually get up before 10am or so. I tried cutting the pill in half but the effects were still the same. I told my husband that maybe I should just lick it instead of swallowing it :)!
Friday evening I took Isabel out to the Chinese restaurant and Walmart so I could get canning supplies. I started cooking the jam and also did 22 minutes on the elliptical. The jam tastes really good but it is not as thick as I'm used to. I think it's because I used natural pectin (apples) instead of SureJel.
Saturday was a lazy day and I finally finished the season of Grey's Anatomy - it was sooo sad! On Sunday, Isabel had a soccer picnic and that was nice. I tempered my eating, like I usually do in public, and had a hamburger, some fruit salad, some chips and a cookie. Even though we ate at 4pm I considered that dinner. When I got home I fell asleep while reading - that medicine really hit me hard. When I woke up around 8:30p I went to the kitchen and made scones and strawberry upside down cake (TASTY). My husband walks in and asks where I've been, to which I reply - upstairs in the bedroom, I fell asleep reading. He wants to know if I've been there the whole evening and I, again, affirm that. Then he tells me that Isabel told him that I went somewhere with our neighbor and that she tried to call me to see when I was coming home. I have NO idea where she got that idea.
So, I can cross "make jam" off the List!
I had a scone this morning for breakfast, along with a bottle of water. I made egg salad for lunch and am thinking about grilling some shrimp for dinner. My goal today: 30 minutes of exercise and no eating after 8pm.
PS - my last goal was to make oatmeal smoothies for the week but since I made scones I decided not to do the smoothies. Too many breakfast options and something will go bad before it is eaten.
PPS - I weighed myself this morning - no change :( 224.4...I need to get serious to see that number change.
Friday evening I took Isabel out to the Chinese restaurant and Walmart so I could get canning supplies. I started cooking the jam and also did 22 minutes on the elliptical. The jam tastes really good but it is not as thick as I'm used to. I think it's because I used natural pectin (apples) instead of SureJel.
Saturday was a lazy day and I finally finished the season of Grey's Anatomy - it was sooo sad! On Sunday, Isabel had a soccer picnic and that was nice. I tempered my eating, like I usually do in public, and had a hamburger, some fruit salad, some chips and a cookie. Even though we ate at 4pm I considered that dinner. When I got home I fell asleep while reading - that medicine really hit me hard. When I woke up around 8:30p I went to the kitchen and made scones and strawberry upside down cake (TASTY). My husband walks in and asks where I've been, to which I reply - upstairs in the bedroom, I fell asleep reading. He wants to know if I've been there the whole evening and I, again, affirm that. Then he tells me that Isabel told him that I went somewhere with our neighbor and that she tried to call me to see when I was coming home. I have NO idea where she got that idea.
So, I can cross "make jam" off the List!
I had a scone this morning for breakfast, along with a bottle of water. I made egg salad for lunch and am thinking about grilling some shrimp for dinner. My goal today: 30 minutes of exercise and no eating after 8pm.
PS - my last goal was to make oatmeal smoothies for the week but since I made scones I decided not to do the smoothies. Too many breakfast options and something will go bad before it is eaten.
PPS - I weighed myself this morning - no change :( 224.4...I need to get serious to see that number change.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Home Alone
My doctor's appointment yesterday went pretty well. I got a refill on my meds plus another script for a mild sleep aid. The biggest complaint I have about my medication is that I can't get a good night's sleep. I wake up 5-6 times each night and have trouble getting back to sleep. I'm hopping this sleep aid will help with that and in turn give me more energy.
I also asked him about weight loss. I get so overwhelmed and end up obsessing over food - I was afraid I needed professional counseling to deal. Basically, my doctor told me to increase my exercise from 3x/week for 30 minutes to 5x/week for 30 minutes and stay away from saturated fat - especially fast food. Obviously, that makes sense, but breaking it down for me in small, doable steps helps. I'm working on increasing my exercise, so I started on the elliptical and did 30 minutes while catching up on Grey's Anatomy.
Today I went to Panera Bread for lunch. Instead of my usual broccoli cheese soup, bread and salad I just got a whole grain bage with cream cheese and a chai tea latte. Filling but not over kill. For dinner I think we'll have french bread, goat cheese, roasted beets and hard boiled eggs. I told my husband we need to cut down on eating out. His response: "So, no more pizza Fridays?". Yes, I said, no more "every Friday" pizzas. Maybe 2x/month we'll have pizza.
OK, I have to confess, I did have a Tasty Kake for breakfast this morning. Not the healthiest or best choice. This weekend my goal is to make 5 oatmeal smoothies to use for breakfast next week. I am more apt to stop at a convenience store and eat mini donuts for breakfast if there is nothing in the house. I like the oatmeal smoothies and refridgerator oatmeal so I think that if I have that already prepared I will eat it.
It's a rainy day today so I plan to get on the elliptical and watch some Grey's when I get home from work. Hopefully, I can make jam on Saturday.
I also asked him about weight loss. I get so overwhelmed and end up obsessing over food - I was afraid I needed professional counseling to deal. Basically, my doctor told me to increase my exercise from 3x/week for 30 minutes to 5x/week for 30 minutes and stay away from saturated fat - especially fast food. Obviously, that makes sense, but breaking it down for me in small, doable steps helps. I'm working on increasing my exercise, so I started on the elliptical and did 30 minutes while catching up on Grey's Anatomy.
Today I went to Panera Bread for lunch. Instead of my usual broccoli cheese soup, bread and salad I just got a whole grain bage with cream cheese and a chai tea latte. Filling but not over kill. For dinner I think we'll have french bread, goat cheese, roasted beets and hard boiled eggs. I told my husband we need to cut down on eating out. His response: "So, no more pizza Fridays?". Yes, I said, no more "every Friday" pizzas. Maybe 2x/month we'll have pizza.
OK, I have to confess, I did have a Tasty Kake for breakfast this morning. Not the healthiest or best choice. This weekend my goal is to make 5 oatmeal smoothies to use for breakfast next week. I am more apt to stop at a convenience store and eat mini donuts for breakfast if there is nothing in the house. I like the oatmeal smoothies and refridgerator oatmeal so I think that if I have that already prepared I will eat it.
It's a rainy day today so I plan to get on the elliptical and watch some Grey's when I get home from work. Hopefully, I can make jam on Saturday.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
224.4 & THE LIST update
224.4 - that's what my weight is as of this morning. Pretty disheartening but I needed to find out so I have a starting place. My fast-food binges MUST stop! I know that all the eating out is what makes me gain the most weight. I have a doctor's appointment today so I can get a refill on my meds but I'm also going to ask him about weight loss. Logically, I know it's a matter of imput vs output and I also know what I need to do to lose the weight. I am prepared to make that lifestyle committment. I also know that I have a serious issue with binge eating and food obsession. It's not just about resisting the urge to eat something, it's about being obsessed with a particular food for days at a time and not being able to concentrate on other things until I satisfy that urge. I've seriously thought about getting therapy to deal with this problem. I think it is mostly psychological at this point. However, I feel like a loser thinking I need therapy for eating and I also can't afford the sessions. Maybe the doctor knows of a program that could help me that my insurance WOULD cover. We'll see.
I had a great weekend visiting my grandma. On Sunday we went to my aunt and uncle's for dinner. My uncle is a grill master. No, seriously, he made the best steaks EVER and grilled shimp too. Then we had roasted potatoes and corn on the cob. For dinner - banana splits. Yum! I drank lots of beer (because when at grandma's do as grandma does) and played games.
On Monday morning we drove about 30 minutes, into Ohio, and picked strawberries at a farm. They were so good I'm certain that is what the Bible meant by, "manna from heaven". In 30 minutes we had picked 20 quarts. My grandma too 6 home and we took 14 (well, 13 because Isabel accidentally left a quart at the farm when she set it down to pick up some onions). I also got some beets and asparagus to take home too. Look at these fan-freakin-tastic strawberries:
Now I just need to figure out what to do with all of them. I think I'll make some strawberry jam and can it, maybe some frozen desserts and....I don't know. I could freeze a bunch but I think strawberries lose their flavor when they're frozen so I'd like to avoid that.
I made a tasty asparagus popover and some sauted beet greens for dinner. Tonight I think I'll grill the beets and some baby romaine lettuce. I've never had romaine grilled before but I've heard it's good.
Tonight my goal is to: eat a healthy dinner, not pig out after dinner (as I usually do) and take a 20-30 minute walk outside or on the elliptical (it's super hot and humid today so I may just work out inside). I also have a Carmen Electra striptease workout DVD that I'd like to get into...just not when my kid's around. I soooo don't want to explain that one to her!
I've completed: go to dentist, make primary physician follow up appointment, pick fruit at a farm, take a jewelry making class and I MIGHT accomplish # 15 - make jam - this week!
I had a great weekend visiting my grandma. On Sunday we went to my aunt and uncle's for dinner. My uncle is a grill master. No, seriously, he made the best steaks EVER and grilled shimp too. Then we had roasted potatoes and corn on the cob. For dinner - banana splits. Yum! I drank lots of beer (because when at grandma's do as grandma does) and played games.
On Monday morning we drove about 30 minutes, into Ohio, and picked strawberries at a farm. They were so good I'm certain that is what the Bible meant by, "manna from heaven". In 30 minutes we had picked 20 quarts. My grandma too 6 home and we took 14 (well, 13 because Isabel accidentally left a quart at the farm when she set it down to pick up some onions). I also got some beets and asparagus to take home too. Look at these fan-freakin-tastic strawberries:
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Oh yeah - 13 quarts |
Now I just need to figure out what to do with all of them. I think I'll make some strawberry jam and can it, maybe some frozen desserts and....I don't know. I could freeze a bunch but I think strawberries lose their flavor when they're frozen so I'd like to avoid that.
I made a tasty asparagus popover and some sauted beet greens for dinner. Tonight I think I'll grill the beets and some baby romaine lettuce. I've never had romaine grilled before but I've heard it's good.
Tonight my goal is to: eat a healthy dinner, not pig out after dinner (as I usually do) and take a 20-30 minute walk outside or on the elliptical (it's super hot and humid today so I may just work out inside). I also have a Carmen Electra striptease workout DVD that I'd like to get into...just not when my kid's around. I soooo don't want to explain that one to her!
I've completed: go to dentist, make primary physician follow up appointment, pick fruit at a farm, take a jewelry making class and I MIGHT accomplish # 15 - make jam - this week!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Come on Friday!
I'm so psyched for Friday! After an insanely long week at work I couldn't be happier for a 3 day weekend. I've been stuck in day long meetings since Wednesday and tomorrow is the last day for them until next month. Not to mention, in between meetings, somehow, I've managed 3 home visits, a training class and a visit to our impending (fingers crossed) new office. Oh, and I've survived the horror of a committee meeting and a Board meeting.
I felt good about myself on Tuesday; I got in 20 minutes on the elliptical. I made a point to go faster than I think I normally do. It made me feel pretty good inside and out. On Wednesday our house got hit by the dreaded lice. My daughter was scratching at her head and when I looked she was infested. I quickly grabbed the treatment and picked through her hair before bed. My back was so stiff from being hunched over her for hours I thought I'd cry. She's short enough that when she sits on the floor in front of the couch I have to hunch over but she's too tall to sit on the edge of the couch in front of me. After she went to bed I finished up 2 bracelets that she and her friend had made over the weekend so she could take them to school. Looping that steel wire and cutting it bruised the palm of my hand and scrapped the side of my finger raw. They didn't look great but they were OK. I'm just getting started in jewlery making so this was only our second attempt. Not too bad if I do say so myself.
Today was another long day at work but when I got home there was dinner waiting on me in the kitchen. My wonderful, thoughtful husband had gone to my FAVORITE restaurant in the next town over and bought dinner for me. It was soooo good - eggplant parmesan and salad. I just finished a beer on the front porch and now, as I am typing this, I have the urge to get on the elliptical for a few minutes. I feel like a slacker for not exercising yesterday so I'm going to try and make up for it by doing some tonight. Hopefully, all goes as planned tomorrow and I can come home early and get a nice 30 minutes in before the evening festivities begin.
My goal is to make myself get up early enough in the mornings to take a nice 20-30 minute walk but the road to hell is paved with good intentions so that hasn't happened yet. Eye on the prize, eye on the prize.
I felt good about myself on Tuesday; I got in 20 minutes on the elliptical. I made a point to go faster than I think I normally do. It made me feel pretty good inside and out. On Wednesday our house got hit by the dreaded lice. My daughter was scratching at her head and when I looked she was infested. I quickly grabbed the treatment and picked through her hair before bed. My back was so stiff from being hunched over her for hours I thought I'd cry. She's short enough that when she sits on the floor in front of the couch I have to hunch over but she's too tall to sit on the edge of the couch in front of me. After she went to bed I finished up 2 bracelets that she and her friend had made over the weekend so she could take them to school. Looping that steel wire and cutting it bruised the palm of my hand and scrapped the side of my finger raw. They didn't look great but they were OK. I'm just getting started in jewlery making so this was only our second attempt. Not too bad if I do say so myself.
Today was another long day at work but when I got home there was dinner waiting on me in the kitchen. My wonderful, thoughtful husband had gone to my FAVORITE restaurant in the next town over and bought dinner for me. It was soooo good - eggplant parmesan and salad. I just finished a beer on the front porch and now, as I am typing this, I have the urge to get on the elliptical for a few minutes. I feel like a slacker for not exercising yesterday so I'm going to try and make up for it by doing some tonight. Hopefully, all goes as planned tomorrow and I can come home early and get a nice 30 minutes in before the evening festivities begin.
My goal is to make myself get up early enough in the mornings to take a nice 20-30 minute walk but the road to hell is paved with good intentions so that hasn't happened yet. Eye on the prize, eye on the prize.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Biting Off More than I can Chew
Yesterday was my first day of "training". Let's just say I pictured myself being much more fit than I actually am.
I waited until about 7:30p to go to the local college track and practice running. Thankfully, it had cooled down by then and I could excercise without worrying about the heat and humidity. It gets insanely humid in West Virginia (like 70% humidity) and hot - typical summer temps are in the 80's. I took my daughter, Isabel, with me as well as her friend and my friend, Ashley. She has been working out with a personal trainer for a while, so she is in much better shape than I am - plus she's a non-smoker.
It started out pretty good. We walked a lap and on the second lap I was preparing to run but Ashley said I should walk one more before I started. She said since I wasn't used to running it would be better to do a longer warm up before I tried. I figured that after working with a personal trainer for over a year she would know better than I so I listened to her advice - I'm so glad I did!
Ashley is a pretty fast walker and her legs are longer than mine. Needless to say I was on the cusp of jogging just trying to keep up with her. As we finished our second lap I told her I was ready to jog a lap. Well, "a lap" was a giant over-estimation.
I think I made it about 200 meters. Pathetic. I was really ashamed of myself at first but then I realized that at least now I have a starting point. Next time I will make it a little farther and maybe in a week or so I will be able to run/jog the entire lap.
We finished that third lap, and a fourth, walking. Before we started I thought I'd be able to go for, about, 6 laps (1.5 miles). But, after the fourth lap I knew if I didn't stop my legs were going to boycott and I'd just end up on my face in the middle of the track. My calves and ankles were on FIRE! I had to sit down and stretch for a good 5 minutes before they stopped.
Despite these set-backs I was feeling pretty damn good when I got home. I'm looking forward to a nice walk this evening in my neighborhood. I decided that I'll go to the track 3 times/week and the other days I'll just walk where I live. I like using the track because I can judge the distance better, track my progress, and not have to think about where I'm walking. But it is nice to walk around the neighborhood and not have to drive to the track.
After I got home I made a chicken salad and it was quite tasty. I am disappointed in myself, though, because later that evening I was still hungry and ate a bunch of oyster crackers. I need to ban oyster crackers from the house, they are my weakness.
I waited until about 7:30p to go to the local college track and practice running. Thankfully, it had cooled down by then and I could excercise without worrying about the heat and humidity. It gets insanely humid in West Virginia (like 70% humidity) and hot - typical summer temps are in the 80's. I took my daughter, Isabel, with me as well as her friend and my friend, Ashley. She has been working out with a personal trainer for a while, so she is in much better shape than I am - plus she's a non-smoker.
It started out pretty good. We walked a lap and on the second lap I was preparing to run but Ashley said I should walk one more before I started. She said since I wasn't used to running it would be better to do a longer warm up before I tried. I figured that after working with a personal trainer for over a year she would know better than I so I listened to her advice - I'm so glad I did!
Ashley is a pretty fast walker and her legs are longer than mine. Needless to say I was on the cusp of jogging just trying to keep up with her. As we finished our second lap I told her I was ready to jog a lap. Well, "a lap" was a giant over-estimation.
I think I made it about 200 meters. Pathetic. I was really ashamed of myself at first but then I realized that at least now I have a starting point. Next time I will make it a little farther and maybe in a week or so I will be able to run/jog the entire lap.
We finished that third lap, and a fourth, walking. Before we started I thought I'd be able to go for, about, 6 laps (1.5 miles). But, after the fourth lap I knew if I didn't stop my legs were going to boycott and I'd just end up on my face in the middle of the track. My calves and ankles were on FIRE! I had to sit down and stretch for a good 5 minutes before they stopped.
Despite these set-backs I was feeling pretty damn good when I got home. I'm looking forward to a nice walk this evening in my neighborhood. I decided that I'll go to the track 3 times/week and the other days I'll just walk where I live. I like using the track because I can judge the distance better, track my progress, and not have to think about where I'm walking. But it is nice to walk around the neighborhood and not have to drive to the track.
After I got home I made a chicken salad and it was quite tasty. I am disappointed in myself, though, because later that evening I was still hungry and ate a bunch of oyster crackers. I need to ban oyster crackers from the house, they are my weakness.
Monday, May 21, 2012
My List and I
The make-up of this blog will mirror who I am - a mishmash of interests, bouncing back and forth as the mood strikes me. My hope is that by blogging daily it will keep me on track and motivated to finish projects I start, help me learn more about myself and maybe help others learn from my experiences, too.
Shortly before I turned 30 I decided that I didn't want to fall into the "Oh-my-God-I'm-30-I'm-so-old" mindset. Logically, I know 30 is NOT old and I also know that I am in a good place in my life, for the most part. I have a beautiful and sweet 10 year old daughter, wonderful husband, a job I love and good friends. But, there is always a part of me that wants to shake things up, make life unpredicatable and break out of the box. Unfortunately, in my family, unpredictable = the apocalypse; so, I decided to come up with a list of "30 things in my 30th year"as a compromise. It's a list of projects, tasks, stuff that I want/need to do sometime during my 30th year. Some of the list is responsible goals (like make a dental appointment, which I've avoided for 2 years), some is designed to help me reach a goal (quit smoking - for a goal of healthiness) and the rest are just fun stuff that are actually doable in a 1 year time frame. I'm hoping this list will make me more aware of the kind of person I want to be and give me an excuse to do things a little different.
I'll be posting a list of my 30 things (even though I haven't thought of all 30 yet) and writing about my successes and failures (plus other stuff in between).
One of the things I'm working on right now is to slowly quit smoking and complete a 5k. Both very hard tasks (I've been smoking for about 8 years and I am horribly out of shape). Both things I would be proud to accomplish. So far, I have made a new rule for myself to NOT smoke in the car. That is my first step to quitting. I've stuck to it (for the most part) for about 1 week. Next, I need to start preparing for a 5k so I am going to work up to running a mile. I think I can run 1/4 mile, I think. We'll find out tonight - I've made a date with myself to go to the local college track and see how far I can get.
OK - now a few things about me: I live in the same small town that I grew up in and my daughter goes to the same school that I did (and has some of the same teachers - strange), I have 2 younger brothers - 26 and 18 years, I like to cook and I LOVE to eat, I am a book whore and have the ability to tune out a nuclear attack if the plot is good, I work for a child welfare nonprofit agency and my idea of an awesome vacation is a trip to Whole Foods (we don't have one anywhere close to where I live so I usually get to go in my dreams) and I have 3 spoiled cats.
I plan to post everyday and welcome and comments/suggestions!
Shortly before I turned 30 I decided that I didn't want to fall into the "Oh-my-God-I'm-30-I'm-so-old" mindset. Logically, I know 30 is NOT old and I also know that I am in a good place in my life, for the most part. I have a beautiful and sweet 10 year old daughter, wonderful husband, a job I love and good friends. But, there is always a part of me that wants to shake things up, make life unpredicatable and break out of the box. Unfortunately, in my family, unpredictable = the apocalypse; so, I decided to come up with a list of "30 things in my 30th year"as a compromise. It's a list of projects, tasks, stuff that I want/need to do sometime during my 30th year. Some of the list is responsible goals (like make a dental appointment, which I've avoided for 2 years), some is designed to help me reach a goal (quit smoking - for a goal of healthiness) and the rest are just fun stuff that are actually doable in a 1 year time frame. I'm hoping this list will make me more aware of the kind of person I want to be and give me an excuse to do things a little different.
I'll be posting a list of my 30 things (even though I haven't thought of all 30 yet) and writing about my successes and failures (plus other stuff in between).
One of the things I'm working on right now is to slowly quit smoking and complete a 5k. Both very hard tasks (I've been smoking for about 8 years and I am horribly out of shape). Both things I would be proud to accomplish. So far, I have made a new rule for myself to NOT smoke in the car. That is my first step to quitting. I've stuck to it (for the most part) for about 1 week. Next, I need to start preparing for a 5k so I am going to work up to running a mile. I think I can run 1/4 mile, I think. We'll find out tonight - I've made a date with myself to go to the local college track and see how far I can get.
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Applesauce and Lieutenant Dan |
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The Queen, herself, Forrest |
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