
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

224.4 & THE LIST update

224.4 - that's what my weight is as of this morning.  Pretty disheartening but I needed to find out so I have a starting place.  My fast-food binges MUST stop!  I know that all the eating out is what makes me gain the most weight.  I have a doctor's appointment today so I can get a refill on my meds but I'm also going to ask him about weight loss.  Logically, I know it's a matter of imput vs output and I also know what I need to do to lose the weight.  I am prepared to make that lifestyle committment.  I also know that I have a serious issue with binge eating and food obsession.  It's not just about resisting the urge to eat something, it's about being obsessed with a particular food for days at a time and not being able to concentrate on other things until I satisfy that urge.  I've seriously thought about getting therapy to deal with this problem.  I think it is mostly psychological at this point.  However, I feel like a loser thinking I need therapy for eating and I also can't afford the sessions.  Maybe the doctor knows of a program that could help me that my insurance WOULD cover.  We'll see.

I had a great weekend visiting my grandma.  On Sunday we went to my aunt and uncle's for dinner.  My uncle is a grill master.  No, seriously, he made the best steaks EVER and grilled shimp too.  Then we had roasted potatoes and corn on the cob.  For dinner - banana splits.  Yum!  I drank lots of beer (because when at grandma's do as grandma does) and played games. 

On Monday morning we drove about 30 minutes, into Ohio, and picked strawberries at a farm.  They were so good I'm certain that is what the Bible meant by, "manna from heaven".  In 30 minutes we had picked 20 quarts.  My grandma too 6 home and we took 14 (well, 13 because Isabel accidentally left a quart at the farm when she set it down to pick up some onions).  I also got some beets and asparagus to take home too.  Look at these fan-freakin-tastic strawberries:

Oh yeah - 13 quarts

Now I just need to figure out what to do with all of them.  I think I'll make some strawberry jam and can it, maybe some frozen desserts and....I don't know.  I could freeze a bunch but I think strawberries lose their flavor when they're frozen so I'd like to avoid that. 

I made a tasty asparagus popover and some sauted beet greens for dinner.  Tonight I think I'll grill the beets and some baby romaine lettuce.  I've never had romaine grilled before but I've heard it's good.

Tonight my goal is to:  eat a healthy dinner, not pig out after dinner (as I usually do) and take a 20-30 minute walk outside or on the elliptical (it's super hot and humid today so I may just work out inside).  I also have a Carmen Electra striptease workout DVD that I'd like to get into...just not when my kid's around.  I soooo don't want to explain that one to her!


I've completed:  go to dentist, make primary physician follow up appointment, pick fruit at a farm, take a jewelry making class and I MIGHT accomplish # 15 - make jam - this week!


  1. I love making jam, you should defiantly do it. Or make a flan and pile it high with fresh strawberries. Post some pictures with what you do/did with them! :)

  2. Great post! Your jam is going to be delicious! One thing I’ve found to be extremely helpful and useful as a supplement to my current diet/exercise plan is Fullbar ( Not only do their products help you lose weight, they also help you maintain your weight loss.
