I had a completely relaxing and uneventful weekend. I finished a couple of books and started another. While reading the blog Runs for Cookies (which I love), I picked up on a new exercise, The Swing. I had never heard of it so I decided to do some research. Well, basically, it's a technique that uses a kettlebell. I've used a kettlebell in pilates and it royally kicked my ass, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. The book, The Swing, is written by a woman who lost over 100 lbs while in her 40s by changing her eating habits and using the kettlebell. She mentions incorporating walking into her daily routine but credits her success, and awesome muscle tone, to the kettlebell swing. I've been wanting to get a kettlebell anyway so I thought I'd give her technique a try. So on my Walmart run to get...stuff...I picked up a 10 pounder. I've haven't started the exercise yet but I'll get there.
She made good sense in the book. One of the statements she made that really struck me was "If you can lose 1 pound you can lose 100". Makes perfect sense. She also mentioned making a plan - scheduling workouts, planning meals, etc. Of course that is not the first time I've heard that but it stuck with me for some reason, this time. In an effort to "make a plan" I spent Sunday evening from 10p-11p making oatmeal smoothies for the rest of the week, packing my lunch for Monday and prepping dinner for Monday (turkey loin, beets, kale and rice). I found the recipe for the Oatmeal Smoothies on the Yummy Life blog. There are some great flavors on there and they're really easy to make. One word of caution: if you make them for the whole week mix them in 2 batches, not one. I tried to make 5 smoothies in one blender and there was leakage. I made the cherry vanilla smoothies for this week and I'm thinking about the coconut pineapple ones for next week. The apple cinnamon smoothies are good too. I've also done peanut butter, cocoa powder and banana that was pretty good.
The only noteable thing this weekend was that one of our kitties (we thought) was sick so we made an appointment this morning with the vet. No, not sick, just an irritated throat from throwing up the food she had because it wasn't the brand she usually gets. I swear. That cat is spoiled. $100 and an antibiotic to protect her precious little throat and she gets to eat canned cat food for a few days...and of course we threw away all of the other food and bought her the special stuff. It was the siamese cat, in case you wondered.
I have a ceremony to attend to this afternoon and I have to give the welcome, blah, blah, blah speech. I get so nervous it's a wonder anything comes out of my mouth. Wish me luck!
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