
Monday, July 9, 2012

Bingeing on Chicken Enchiladas

This past week has not been one of my finest.  To say I overate is an understatement; I completely went unhinged and just binged my way through food.  Last night I managed to finish off a pint of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia.  I lamented on myfitnesspal and one of my friends responded with some good encouragement and positive thinking.  It was just what I needed!  This morning I woke up early (well, it was actually the time that I should be waking up everyday for work but, that's another post in itself) and got out of bed (HUGE accomplishment) and used the elliptical for 15 minutes.  It doesn't sound like much but it's a BIG WIN for me.  I am NOT, repeat not, a morning person.  The idea of waking up early to exercise makes me want to vomit.  Nausea aside, I actually did it!

I also convinced my husband to make oatmeal smoothies for me to take to work in the morning.  He made me 6 pineapple-coconut smoothies - they're not too bad, I had one on my way to work this morning.  Honestly, I am amazed at how full they keep me.  I drank the smoothie around 9am and didn't feel hungry until about 1:30p.  I brought a white chicken enchilada to work for lunch - leftover from last night.  They are amazing!  I got the recipe from the Pioneer Woman.  Her recipes are sooooo good.  I'm not a big fan of chicken but even I liked them.  More surprisingly my white bread husband liked them and said the recipe was a keeper.

I believe I'm on track for today...tomorrow is another hill to climb.  And, there's an all beef hot dog calling my name (lunch tomorrow?) but...I...must...resist.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Power Outage

This past weekend, beginning on Friday, we were without power.  There was a big storm in the area along with some small tornadoes that went through the county.  My husband, a lover of storms, took this picture of, what he believes, is a sub-station or transformer being hit by lightening:

You can see the electric blue light in the was kind of freaky.  Personally, I am a big scaredy-cat when it comes to storms.  I have been terrified of them since I was little and I've never grown out of it.  I blame it on the Wizard of Oz. 

We spent the entire evening on our front porch (my husband was out there so I knew he would protect me from the big, bad storm) as well as the next two evenings.  It was so f-ing hot and humid, I didn't realize how much I depend on electricity.  We salvaged some of our food but still had to get rid of a decent amount.  We also had to sleep on the living room couch because our upstairs bedroom was unbearable without air conditioning or fans.  Finally, on day two of our adventure we borrowed a generator from my father-in-law.  One hour after we hooked it up the electricity was back on.  All of our neighbors, including us, we outside yelling to each other "It's back on, it's back on". 

Despite the uncomfortable weekend we managed to go pick blueberries at a local blueberry farm.  I got 2 gallons!  They are soooo tasty.  I wanted to can some but I think I'm going to just freeze the excess.  I've been eating on them all week and I'm not sure it would be worth it to can the 1 gallon that is left.

I'm still working on my diet/fitness plan.  I haven't lost any more weight but I am maintaining the loss of 4 pounds.  I'm trying to get back on track to work off a few more.  Spinach salad and blueberries for lunch today.